Program de vizitare:
Muzeul Național de Artă al României, Muzeul Zambaccian și Muzeul Theodor Pallady, miercuri-vineri, orele 10-18, sâmbătă-duminică 11-19, luni și marți închis. Prima miercuri din lună intrarea gratuită.
Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă: luni, marți, vineri, orele 10-18, sâmbătă-duminică 11-19, miercuri și joi închis. Prima vineri din lună intrarea gratuită.

În ziua de miercuri,17 aprilie 2024 Sala Tronului, Sufrageria Regală și Scara Voievozilor vor fi închise publicului. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere.

Muzeul Național de Artă al României
24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971

24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971

De la 07 Noiembrie 2019 12:00 până la 02 Februarie 2020 20:00
Vizualizări: 1031

“24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971” explores the 1960s and ‘70s visual and performing arts in Romania using the dossier exhibition format. Research of the Demarco archives in Edinburgh revealed, in hindsight, a number of forgotten narratives. Fragmented or impossible to follow in their original temporal flow, such narratives evoke disparities/fractures in what might otherwise be perceived as a homogenous cultural landscape and allow for trans-national contact and transfer areas both with the West and with other Socialist countries to surface.

The present exhibition looks at the Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde of the late 1960s and early 1970s against a regional and international backdrop generated by major shifts in the history of Central and Eastern Europe. Rather than looking at biographical connections and links, it investigates the existence a common spirit that defines an entire generation of artists and invites a multi-layered reading of the various experiences and tempos as they blend with institutional and individual narratives, local conditions and global dialogues, using works conceived around this time as a point of departure.

Works by Horia Bernea, Ion Bitzan, Liviu Ciulei, Radu Dragomirescu, Șerban Epure, Pavel Ilie, Ritzi Jacobi, Peter Jacobi, Ovidiu Maitec, Paul Neagu, Miriam Răducanu, Diet Sayler, Radu Stoica, Vladimir Șetran, the Sigma Group, are complemented by a reinterpretation of Miriam Răducanu’s “Genesis” made by Mădălina Dan especially for the exhibition.
The exhibition “24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971” is produced by the Institute of the Present in collaboration with the National Museum of Art of Romania and the Demarco Archive.

Research and exhibition concept: Alina Șerban
Research and artistic direction: Ștefania Ferchedău

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